
专业做交通法-超速 酒驾 闯红灯 驾驶扣分

所在地区:墨尔本 VIC Melbourne City
公司名称:William Archer Defence Lawyers
姓名:James Ning
邮箱:[email protected]

"If you have been told you are going to jail by another lawyer, please call us"如果有其他律师告诉你要进监狱,请不要犹豫,打给我。律所名字:William Archer Defence LawyersBarrister大律师中文电话:0435647820 James律所地址a: 5/197 Springvale Road Nunawading 3131网址: https://www.williamarcher.com.au/index.htmhttps://www.vicbar.com.au/profile/7463 我们是墨尔本唯一一家专业做交通法的律所事务所,没有之一。William Archer Defence Lawyers is the only traffic law firm in Victoria. We practice exclusively in driving while suspended or disqualified, drink driving, and all traffic law matters in the Magistrates' Court. 法院其实也想给出一个让当事人心服口服的处罚。我们的大多数客户由于以下原因而不得不上法院:We will take the time to get to know you, your circumstances and your case. Courts want to make sure they impose the right penalty. We understand that people end up in Court for a number of reasons including:
个人自身问题their personal circumstances;
恋爱婚姻关系破裂a relationship breakdown;
丢了工作loss of job;
酒精 毒品上瘾alcohol or drugs;
生活家庭逆境a rough time; or
做了错的决定bad decision making
我们如果觉得必要,往往会安排当事人见专业的咨询师,医师,心理专家。他们的报告对上法庭很重要。此外,还有维洲道路安全课程,安全饮酒课程,交通车祸创伤课程,这些对于出庭必要时我们会安排。 If necessary we can organise for you to see appropriate doctors, counsellors or psychologists who can prepare references or reports for you that can be shown to the Court. We can also arrange for you to complete courses in road safety, safe consumption of alcohol and road trauma awareness. We will help you show the Court that you are taking your matter seriously.律师的所有的准备工作的重要性 将 最终决定你进监狱还是拥有人身自由。These preparations can mean the difference between going to jail and not going to jail.一般严重的案子我们会请经验丰富的大律师出席关键的出庭。我们给大律师准备详尽缜密的书面文件支持。大律师的工作是专注于向法庭陈辞。在交通法中,比如 酒后驾驶,无证驾驶, 有时候一个糟糕的法院判罚结果会 严重影响你的人生。所以 好好准备 再上法院。We use several independent and carefully selected barristers to represent you. Barristers are members of the Victorian Bar who are skilled at presenting cases to the Court. We take care of all the paperwork while the Barristers focus specifically on preparing your case for Court. We are experts in traffic law including drink driving and driving while suspended or disqualified. The court verdict could seriously impact your life so we take the time needed to give you the best possible result.准备文件的工作很重要,所以我们不会走捷径。这样才能尽可能的争取到最佳的判决结果。我们会有技巧的回答法官的种种提问,有经验的告诉法官你想说的真实的情况。We do not take any shortcuts during our preparation or on the day of your Court hearing. We understand that going to Court is stressful and we aim to minimise your stress by delivering a thoroughly prepared case. It is the job of your barrister to speak for you in Court, tell the Court your side of the story and answer any questions the Magistrate might raise.延期开庭时间Adjournments即使再有几天就开庭了也不要惊慌,我们一般情况下还是可以从容的做到延期开庭,充分的准备你的案子,达到最佳结果。William Archer can arrange to adjourn your case to make sure it is properly prepared. It is never too late to call us.法院程序The Process - What Will Happen?我们代表的大部分客户最终结果是罚款。包括,酒驾,鲁莽驾驶,无证驾驶。如果有其他律师告诉你 你要进监狱,请不要犹豫,打给我。因为我们的客户几乎不,如果不把话说满的话,不会进监狱。Most people we represent get fines. That includes people who have been caught drink driving, careless driving while your license is suspended or disqualified. In some cases, we can avoid a criminal record altogether or get you a good behavior bond. If you have been told you are going to jail by another lawyer, please call us. Our clients rarely, if ever, go to jail. 我们会问你之前上过法院没有,会问你的个人状况,我们会尽可能精准的给你预估你的出庭结果。这个预估是靠我们的经验丰富的大律师的能力的基础上。After speaking to you about the circumstances of your case and finding out if you have ever been to Court before, we can give a reasonably accurate estimate of what penalty you will get. Our estimates are based on us preparing your case and appearing for you at Court. We cannot say what sentence another lawyer would get you because we do not know what preparation they do.法院作出判罚结果前需要详尽考虑各种因素。大部分刑事违法 和 驾驶违法的最高刑罚都包括进监狱。但是如果律师努力准备打官司,基本上很少让当事人入狱。The Court has to consider the seriousness of the offence, your character and personality before it gives a sentence. Most criminal and driving offences have very tough maximum penalties which include jail. However, the Court very rarely gives the maximum penalty where your case has been properly prepared. 出庭当天The day in Court如果你有律师,你不用说一句话。你只需要跟大律师一起,坐在那。律师做剩下的事情。If you have us appearing for you at Court, you will not have to say a word. You just need to attend with the barrister and sit in the public gallery while he runs your case.关于费用。我们会尽快告诉你总价格。这个费用包括准备文件和代表你出庭。我们的费用与其它律师事务所相比非常合理。而且我们是专业级别律师。一旦我们跟你确认了价格,我们这个费用就不会变了。往后你跟大律师打电话的时候你就不用担心会被额外收费。我们没有隐藏费用。After speaking with a barrister about your case, we will tell you how much it would cost for us to prepare your case and appear for you in Court. Our fees are very reasonable compared to other firms and you have the peace of mind knowing we are the experts in driving charges. Once we tell you the figure, which we put in writing, the fee will not change. You can call your barrister whenever you want and know you are not being charged for it. There are no hidden extras.一旦我们跟你确认了价格,我们这个费用就不会变了。"Once we tell you the figure which we put in writing, the fee will not change"
No alcohol limit0.05以下(非Open Licences)3-9 个月$1,7663 months
Low0.05-0.101-9个月$1,7663 months
Middle0.10-0.53-12个月$2,5236 months
High0.15以上最少6个月$3,5329 months




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